How We Test Our Products:
Being the brand leader
for original and unique DIY, Garden & Construction products, we thought
we'd give you an insight as to how this marvel comes about…
When you buy our products
you are not just buying 'something made somewhere and sold by someone'
- you are buying products that have been originally invented, rigorously
tried and tested, have intellectual property protection and do what they
are supposed to do, for your peace of mind. With a bit of luck our products
won't let you down 'in the field' and we always have stocks of our products
and thoughtful intelligent customer service - we don't employ children
to follow a script who don't know what to say if you ask them what day
it is, which just irritates and annoys EVERYBODY.
We try to be as competitive
on price as we can but quality and originality does cost. We don't intend
being a fly by night Company. We are hell bent on taking over the universe
with our amazing innovative products which is why product testing is highly
important to us!
So here's how we test
our stuff. We undertake a few different tests to create a product finally
ready for you to enjoy:
1). The Hammer Test:
this is always a classic. What we do is take a big hammer and beat our
products to see how much force and abuse they can take before they either
break into little pieces or become too deformed to still be useable. This
tends to highlight any flaws in strength and durability and also relieves
all that personal stress and anguish lol :
2). The Kick Test:
we then kick our products around in a concrete and steel constructed room
to determine how much/long our products can be booted around until they
fail. The Kick Test also involves jumping up and down on the product to
see how much of a pounding it can take before it breaks.
3). The Compress &
Stretch Test: We squash, stretch, rip and tear and pull the products apart,
to determine their strength and breaking point. This highlights if the
product needs to be reinforced or redesigned and highlights any weaknesses
of any individual components.
4). The Fire Test:
That's right - we actually set them on fire to see how long it takes the
product to melt into a heap. The fire test also helps to see how well
any 'coated' products have been made and what happens to the product under
5). The Field Test:
This is the biggy. Testing our products in the field. The process of invention
means constant testing of your prototypes until you reach a prototype
that is market ready for sell. We test all of our prototypes in the field
in all sorts of conditions depending on what the product is to be used
for and we actually use our products ourselves! You may wonder why there
is that exclamation mark there but you'll be surprised at how many people
in products never ever use their own products. These people are the pen
pushers - the people paid to invent stuff for industries they know absolutely
nothing about and who will never ever use the product. It will go straight
to retail with the 'lets keep our fingers crossed' outlook. We don't do
that. We might not be first to market, but our stuff will work properly!
We also give our products out to test groups and individuals for feedback
to see if there are any other improvements before we finally launch the
product. Sometimes there is feedback even after product launch, from customers
that have used the products in different ways and who have provided feedback
to us. We immediately act upon this constructive criticism to make our
products even better for you.
6). The Lab Test:
Most of our products are fairly simple and straightforward and are
designed to solve problems and help people do things easier than
before. Many of these products are good enough to sell without there
being any Laboratory testing due to the nature of them. However,
some products need Lab testing under controlled conditions for health
and safety reasons and to ensure products meet and generally exceed
industry benchmark standards. In these instances, our products are
sent to a Lab who test and report findings that are then used to
improve products (if necessary) before product launch. This has
been done on our Fencebrackets® to ensure the degreasing and powder
coating is up to an extremely good standard of adhesion and resilient
to UV and Water for a minimum period of time. The Lab will also
carry out proper fire testing, tensile strength tests, compression
and fracture tests and wind tunnel tests. In fact, all tests appropriate
to the use of the product. Testing does cost money. We don't just
phone some idiot somewhere in Asia and get them to copy someone
else's product for us and then sell it, trying to impersonate brands
and plagiarise marketing campaigns, we rigorously test our products
and work closely with our manufacturers to produce top quality goods.
Remember to look for our Mr. Logoman character on the pack!
7). CE & Kite Marking:
Many products do not require this marking or certification and in fact
it is an offence to label a product as CE certified if there is no requirement
to do so. This Certification is given after the above tests have been
carried out and signed off by a governing body - usually British Standards.
If our product doesn't carry any CE certification, it doesn't mean it
hasn't been tested. ALL of our market leading products and brands are
a sign of quality. We test everything! Our manufacturers hold CE certificates
and are approved to ISO standards. We don't use slave labour because we
wouldn't get away with it, but we do believe in and fully support an absolute
minimum wage as people deserve to be paid at least the bare minimum for
their toil in producing our fantastic products!
8). Materials Selection:
Not a test as such but we carefully chose and test materials that will
be used to manufacture our products. We look into the attributes, compositions
and capabilities of different materials and ensure we choose materials
that will best suit the product and its purpose. We are precise in choosing
any treatments or manufacturing processes and tend to look into the ECO
Friendliness of all these materials and manufacturing processes before
we select the final materials. We also deeply consider the Environmental
impact during the life of, and the afterlife of our products. We want
to know how they will affect the Environment during their life and also
once they're finished. We want our products to do good in the world and
make it a better place.
There it is folks
- how we test our products and the reasons you should stick with us. |